Environmental Law Long Island

The Safe Drinking Water Act is a federal law that was enacted in 1974 authorizing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish national standards for drinking water and its sources. EPA must ensure that these standards apply to all public water systems, including states, municipalities, and water providers.

There are approximately 150,000 public water systems in the United States. These systems supply water to more than 300 million people. Public water systems include:

  • Systems that provide water to housing communities and apartment buildings
  • Systems that provide water to schools, factories and churches
  • Systems that provide water to non-communities, such as gas stations and campgrounds

Depending on the type of public water system, EPA has established national standards for allowable contamination levels, testing procedures, and treatment processes. Certain pollutants can produce water, which is a necessity for life, extremely dangerous, and federal and state regulations are there to protect it. If your drinking water has been contaminated or has come into contact with contaminated water from another source, you have the ability to recover damages in the event of an injury.

How has local contamination affected you?

Complete the following form and our staff will contact you to discuss your case.

Symptoms of water contamination

Symptoms of exposure to water that has been contaminated may include the following:

  • Skin rash
  • Stomach or liver problems
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Neurological conditions
  • Developmental disorders
  • Reproductive problems
  • Cancer

If you or your loved one have been in contact with contaminated water and suffered an injury or illness, contact The Raimondo Law Firm for a free consultation. You may be eligible for compensation for your medical costs.

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