Teen Driving Issues / Texting While Driving Long Island

Long Island Teen Car Accident Attorney


Teen drivers account for 11 percent of motor vehicle crash deaths, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Their lack of driving experience and general “I can do anything” attitude puts themselves and other motorists at risk on a daily basis. While driving age laws and encouragement to follow safe driving practices helps curb some of the accidents, it is still an ongoing issue in New York City and throughout the United States.

There are a number of factors that can lead to teen car accidents. Some of the more common activities that lead to distracted drivers and injury include:

  • Texting and cell phone use while driving
  • Doing drugs, or taking strong prescription drugs, before driving
  • Listening to an iPod or the radio too loudly
  • Eating or drinking while driving
  • Drinking alcohol before driving or while driving
  • Failing to watch the road carefully
  • Riding in the car with a lot of friends

If you or someone you love sustained serious injuries in a teen car accident, you are legally entitled to recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation, pain and suffering. You may also be able to recover damages for loss of life and funeral expenses if it was a fatal car accident.


The Raimondo Law Firm has more than 30 years of experience representing accident victims and their families in personal injury and wrongful death claims. He personally evaluates all of his claims, and thoroughly prepares each case as if he were going to trial. Insurance companies recognize his strong commitment to success and often offer a fair settlement, as a result. However, you be sure that Mr. Raimondo will aggressively represent your rights in trial if necessary to obtain just compensation.

If you are in need of an experienced Long Island teen car accident lawyer, contact The Raimondo Law Firm at 631-471-1222 to schedule a free initial consultation. We are devoted to helping clients move forward with their lives after these difficult times.

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When you’re in an accident, it’s hard to know what to do. We’re here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.


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