Ferry/Boating Accidents Long Island

Long Island Ferry & Boating Accident Lawyer

Boating Accidents

Thousands of Long Island residents take pleasure in the area’s easy access to multiple water sources. One of the most popular recreational water activities is boating. With an increase in the growth and popularity of boating, it is increasingly important for all boaters to exercise extreme caution when taking their boats on the open water. When boating accidents do occur, victims are vulnerable to a number of severe and life-threatening injuries. Furthermore, these injuries often require hospitalization, surgery, months of rehabilitation, and psychological treatment.

Ferry Accidents

Every day, more than 10 million people take advantage of New York’s ferry system. Because ferry boats are under the jurisdiction of New York’s transportation system, the state and city governments are legally responsibility for providing passengers with a safe mode of transportation, and making sure all safety protocol is properly followed and executed. When ferry accidents do occur, passengers are at risk for sustaining numerous debilitating injuries. Furthermore, like boating accidents, victims of ferry accidents often require the same amount of hospitalization, surgery, rehabilitation, and psychological treatment.

When a boat or ferry accident occurs as the result of another person’s negligent actions, victims are legally entitled to financial compensation for their pain, suffering, medical expenses, rehabilitation, lost wages, and financial hardship. There are a number of factors that may lead to a Long Island ferry or boating accident. The most common causes of these types of accidents include:

  • Operator negligence
  • Equipment failure
  • Mechanical malfunctions
  • Reckless or careless operation
  • Inexperienced drivers
  • Speeding
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Hazardous water or dangerous weather conditions
  • Failure to adhere to boating laws and regulations
  • Inappropriate passenger behavior

Contact Long Island Ferry or Boating Accident Attorney

If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a Long Island ferry or boating accident, it is important to contact an experienced attorneys at The Raimondo Law Firm to protect your rights and help you obtain the compensation you deserve. We have helped hundreds of clients file successful accident claims against negligent parties. When we commit to a case, we review accident reports, examines medical records, interviews witnesses, and works with law enforcement officials to build a strong and compelling case. Furthermore, The Raimondo Law Firm is dedicated to uncovering the truth about who is at fault, and making sure justice is served.

If you are in need of an experienced and compassionate Long Island ferry and boating accident attorney, contact The Raimondo Law Firm today for your free consultation at 631-471-1222. We are devoted to helping clients move forward with their lives after these difficult times.

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